Saturday, July 12, 2008

Been a little MIA lately...

So, I haven't been posting much, mostly because while I don't get all my information from Glenn Beck, I will say that he's show does inspire me. And since the show hasn't been on lately combined with the added course work from my ChildBirth Education and being sick this past week I have definitely been out of the loop lately.

But taking a break from politics isn't a good thing. :)

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Getting Back To Our Journey

So here I am, 1 week into my ChildBirth Educator Certificate Program, and I like it a lot. I look forward to completing, and moving on to becoming a Doula and MidWife.
I originally thought that I would just teach classes but the more I thought about it, and looked at the way the situation of our country is, Free isn't really that Free anymore. And decided that there maybe a time in my lifetime where not all women will want to give birth in the government run Hospital and subject their children to being injected with lord only know what, and having their DNA captured and stored by the Government (this is already happing by the way The Article).
I know that when I was pregnant, I wanted a very natural birth, and got the exact opposite. I know that Lord willing, any future children will be preferable Home births assisted by Midwives in water.
I am looking forward this fall to starting to home preschool my soon to be 3 yr old, and as I am looking for resources for that, I am surprised at how far ahead she is compared with where the illusive they say that she should be. She knows her letters, most of their sounds, she can combine the sounds, can count to 10, can count things (ie how many squares are there?). So I am very excited, she is on track with her fine motor skills but I am looking forward to stocking up on crayons and coloring pages to let her go at it.
The husband, is in limbo. He has put in for an Assistant Management position, but there aren't any in this district, however there are positions in the Northern NH district so he is going to be finding out soon if he can get one of those positions. If he can we will be financially stable for the first time since Hurricane Katrina hit. We will still have some debt, but the amount will be much more manageable on the salary he will get. He will probably still get a part time job to help with the debt and to put money into savings but either way, it will be good.
We are just in a waiting pattern to see when and where he will get a position. Which could involve moving AGAIN...I will say that if we move up north I think that we will have to get him a 4x4 or AWD to drive to work in since our Ford Focus Wagon isn't great in the snow, and in Northern NH there is a lot more of it. Which entirely goes against our desire to move down south...but thats ok. God has a plan. If only I could get a peek at it. :)Sphere: Related Content

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Obama site urges: 'Revolution' against U.S. 'oppressive' regime

As a Christian I am taught they they will know that you are a Christian by your actions, by your words. Not necessarily by the company that you keep, but your choice of friends or advisors should definitely be above reproach, as their actions do reflect on you.
Obama has been allowed to get away with saying that "that isn't the person that I knew". I am sorry I don't buy that. If you are surrounding yourself with people who are going to further your career and form who you are, you certainly should know every side of them. I don't care if you are the Media Darling or the First Black Presidental Candidate - News Flash - Obama isn't the FIRST Black Presidental Candidate - Alan Keyes, Jesse Jackson ring any bells? And should we REALLY be choosing our President based on the color of his skin (lest your forget he is only HALF black, not that it matters) but shouldn't we be choosing the LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD based on his Character? His Experience?
character |ˈkariktər|
1 the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual : running away was not in keeping with her character.
• the distinctive nature of something : gas lamps give the area its character.
• the quality of being individual, typically in an interesting or unusual way : the island is full of character.
• strength and originality in a person's nature : she had character as well as beauty.
• a person's good reputation : to what do I owe this attack on my character?
• dated a written statement of someone's good qualities; a recommendation.

Don't we want someone leading our country that has a strong moral compass? Not that they have to agree with everything that I do, but shouldn't they swing the same way as most of the country they are to lead?
Obama (or his wife) has said something to the effect of "You will not be able to go back to the life you had before, the way you did things before" (a very loose paraphrase). For the most part I like my life, yeah I have made mistakes and I am ok with that. But who is HE to dictate that I won't be able to go back to the life I once knew?
So- to the point of this post - I have heard that Hamas is making Campaigning Calls on behalf of Obama, the Palestinians are "for" Obama. Do we really want to get in bed with Hamas?

Obama site urges: 'Revolution' against U.S. 'oppressive' regime
Marxists, socialists, communists form group to plot on official campaign blog
Posted: June 30, 2008
8:44 pm Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

JERUSALEM – Marxists, socialists and communists have created a safe space online to congregate, exchange ideas – including a stated revolution against the U.S. "oppressive" regime – and support their favored presidential candidate.

Their meeting spot? Sen. Barack Obama's official campaign website, which allows registered users to form groups and post content in online "community" blogs.

One popular community group on the Illinois senator's official MyObama website calls itself "Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama."

"This group is for self-proclaimed Marxists/Communists/Socialists for the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency. By no means is he a true Marxist, but under Karl Marx's writings we are to support the party with the best interests of the mobilization of the proletariat," states the groups charter.

"We support Barack Obama because he knows what is best for the people!" exclaims the group's online creed.

And on Obama's site, the declared Marxist, communist and socialist bloggers rant against such varied targets as Republicans, capitalism and the Fox News Channel.
In a posting titled "The Nature of the Proletariat," one group member calls for revolution against the U.S. "oppressive" regime.

According to Marxist doctrine, the proletariat is the only class that can overpower and vanquish the oppressive bourgeoisie. ... In America, the 'peasantry' is not scattered from each other but rather seem (sic) to be isolated in certain high-population areas. This then leaves the Petty-Bourgeoisie. Are they a possible force of a Revolution? I believe so. Not because I think that they could on there own, but because of the fact that they seemed to have assimilated with the Proletariat.
The middle class is now made up of the laborers who must face the grueling task of providing the bourgeoisie with power and capital. This assimilation only proves that the Revolution is inevitable.

"Eventually, the bourgeoisie controlled government will fail to keep the ever growing masses at bay, and the Revolution will occur," adds the posting.

The user argues Obama will help advance the "revolution," which he says can be a physical revolt or massive governmental reform:

"The Neo-proleatarian is now the bearer of the Revolution. That's why I support Obama. He helps destroy the paradigm of bourgeoisie government, which is best for the Proletariat. In the end, this will only hasten the Revolution even if the Revolution must come as a massive government reform."

Another posting by a registered group member calling himself "The Chalk Graffiti Terrorist" argues on Obama's site against the "evils" of capitalism.

"We can’t just accept the evil side of capitalism. The nature of capitalism is to maximize profits, and this is often done by minimizing expenditure—in short, cutting costs. And cutting costs means less benefits, less pay, and poorer conditions for the workers. But capitalism has more evil in it than that. The profit motive drives the destruction of our environment, it has caused the current foreclosure crisis, and it exploits and basically enslaves those poor not protected by legitimate representative government."

One group member urges Obama site readers to support the FairTax bill, which calls for the abolishment of the IRS and for the income tax to be replaced with a national consumption tax. The bill has some support across the U.S. political spectrum, including with some Republicans.

"This bill was created to try and rectify the problems that have emerged from the Federal Income Tax and the IRS's existence. It would repeal the 16th Amedment and put in its place a national sales tax for the United States Government to collect revenue."

It was not immediately clear whether Obama's website staff approves new groups registered on his site. His campaign did not return WND e-mail and phone requests for comment. While the website carries a disclaimer that it does not monitor all blog posts, the site doesn't state whether staff approve new groups.

According to the MyObama site, there were 18,911 registered community groups as of yesterday, including such groups as "Atheists for Obama," "Jedi Knights for Obama," "Muslims for Obama" and "'The Secret' Believers for Obama."

Obama spokesmen previously have stated the campaign cannot monitor all content posted on blogs, but it promptly removes content brought to its attention that is deemed inappropriate or hateful.

Yesterday WND reported a blog posting on Obama's official campaign site urged Americans to take action to secure the release of imprisoned terrorist fundraiser Sami Al-Arian, comparing the controversial former professor to Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.

The posting, which has been removed since publication of the story, is just a sampling of a large volume of racist, anti-Semitic and pro-Palestinian rhetoric published on the user-friendly MyObama community blog pages.

One recently removed posting claims Jews control the media. Another referred to Jews as "puppet masters" and "war criminals." Yet another posting, titled "The Israeli connection to 9/11," claimed Israeli intelligence was involved in the mega-attack and planted "false flags" to blame Arab countries.

Other MyObama posts have warned of "Judeofacists and their Neocon comrades" who "already destroyed America" and declare the "entire Congress should be overthrown by revolution for having sold America to the Israelis."

A popular topic on Obama's site apparently is the so-called Israel Lobby.

An Obama site search under the key words "Israel lobby" brings up a large number of pages with titles such as "Bush uses Nazi history against Obama to pander to the Jewish lobby" and "The Israel Lobby: bad for the world."

In one recently removed posting, titled, "How the Jewish Lobby works," the page read, "No lobby is feared more" and claimed Jews "run the Federal Reserve Bank, US Homeland Security, and the US State Department."
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