Friday, May 9, 2008

Congrats Duggar Family!

I was checking out the page to check out what was on tonight and saw that the Duggar Family is expecting #18! I am so excited for them. I have seen their shows on Discovery Channel and have looked at their original website, and have gone through the Financial Freedom seminar that they went through early in their marriage. I celebrate their devotion to God and family. And to raising their children with traditional values and a good biblical up-bringing. I can only pray to be the Mother that Michelle is.
When you google the Duggar family you will come across scores of anti-duggar blogs and hate sites, voicing their opinions that their family is weird and horrible and they must be on welfare et. It makes me sick that some of the posters of this blogs call themselves Christians as well...But I will get to that part later...
If you look at the family and learn about then and just don't judge them and jump to conclusions about their lives you will learn that both Jim Bob and Michelle have their real estate licenses, they live debt free, they don't have a mortgage and built their home largely with their own hands. How is that a bad thing?
They dress their children similarly, boys in docker style pants and polo shirts, girls in dresses or skirts - again how is that a bad thing? Is it oh so shocking these days that children are dressed nicely and young girls aren't dressed like hooters waitress? When is teaching our children to respect themselves and dress respectfully a bad thing? Or is it that the girls don't have everything hanging out that bothers you? Unlike Victoria, these girls still have their Secret!
Ok, so the fact that they have 18 children bothers you, yes their are children all over the world looking for a home - Why don't you adopt them? How many children do you have - 1, 2 maybe 3 if you have a "big" family? You can easily adopt one just as easy as they can...
God has blessed them with each and every child that they have! Who are we to limit God's blessing and how many children we should have. If you look back maybe 50, maybe 100 years, and large families were common, small families were the oddity.
Oh all their kid's names start with the same letter - Woopie - all my kids will have middle names that start with J and their first names will be after cities...I guess we are weird too!
Yes they do a home church with other families that have similar beliefs - I would love that - As much as I like the church my family goes to, it's hard having values that are very different than most there - We don't use birth control pills, or IUDs we thing its morally wrong - we strive to live debt free and won't take a loan or a mortgage it goes against Gods plan - We are open to having as many Children as God allows and will homeschool them, dress them conservatively. Our Children will be responsible for household chores - again not a bad thing....
I am just shocked at the about of negative comments surrounding this family but again not surprised because anytime that we are following the Bible and the way God planned things out society is going to totally frown on it and look down on it.Sphere: Related Content

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