Thursday, May 8, 2008

Fertility Treatments?? Children on demand?? Birth Control?? Part 1

What do you think about Christians using fertility treatments?? Or people using them at all?
This has always raised a flag in my mind, God has a plan for us, a will, He know what’s best for us, at least that is what I believe anyway.
“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. “ Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:13-16 NIV
If God created us and formed us like a ball of clay, if he is the potter and we are the clay (Romans 9.20-22) how can we pick and chose when we allow God to work in our lives? And then get angry or frustrated when things don’t happen on our time table?
We pray for a job “God, please give me this job, it would be a good thing, I will make enough money...” but if God has something better in mind and tells us No, we get angry and stamp our feet. “God didn’t answer my prayers”. God most certainly did, He said No. He also can say “Not now” or “Have patience” or “I have better things planned for you” or “Wait”.
If we are consulting God on our decisions from how we should use the bonus we got at work, which job we should take, where is the best place for us to live...etc. And then when we make those decisions shouldn’t we pray that we made the right decision as even then we can have a false sense of peace about a decision.
So, coming back on topic, we get married and we decide that it wouldn’t be a good time for us to have a child, it doesn’t fit in to our 5 year plan to get ourselves established, or we don’t feel like we can afford a child right now...Do we even consult God when we make our 5 year plans? Do we ask him if we can afford a child, or consider allowing Him to provide for our needs and our children’s needs?
So you have made the decision that now is not the time to have a child, you chose to take a Birth Control pill everyday, or have and IUD put in because this is what is advertised on TV, and what your doctor recommends to avoid pregnancy.
So now you and your Doctor are now in charge of your body, the body that God formed, the clay that he has molded, you have decided that you know better than God.
In doing research for this series I have learned that most birth control will attempt to stop ovulation and will not allow your uterus to thicken (see side note 3) so that when an egg does get released and fertilized it will not be able to attach to the uterus wall and implant. This means that there is conception (conception |kənˈsep sh ən |noun1 the action of conceiving a child or of a child being conceived : an unfertilized egg before conception ) happening without implantation so the embryo/fetus/fertilized egg does not attach to the wall. Now at this point depending on if you are Pro-Life or Pro-Choice you have to decide for yourself when human life begins.

The Human Embryo:
Week 1-3 5-7 days after fertilization, the blastula attaches to the wall of the uterus (endometrium). When it comes into contact with the endometrium it performs implantation. Implantation connections between the mother and the embryo will begin to form, including the umbilical cord. The embryo's growth centers around an axis, which will become the spine and spinal cord. The brain, spinal cord, heart, and gastrointestinal tract begin to form.[3] (my emphasis added)
Week 4-5 Chemicals produced by the embryo stop the woman's menstrual cycle. Neurogenesis is underway, showing brain activity at about the 6th week. The heart will begin to beat around the same time. Limb buds appear where the arms and legs will grow later. Organogenesis begins. The head represents about one half of the embryo's axial length, and more than half of the embryo's mass. The brain develops into five areas, along with vertebra and bones beginning to form. The heart starts to beat and blood starts to flow.[4]
Week 6-8 Myogenesis and neurogenesis have progressed to where the embryo is capable of motion, and the eyes begin to form. Organogenesis and growth continue. Hair has started to form along with all essential organs. Facial features are beginning to develop. At the end of the 8th week, the embryonic stage is over, and the fetal stage begins.[5]
For me growth = life so if there is growth within 5-7 days before implantation even occurs!
Basically, even on birth control you can get pregnant it is just a matter of the drugs that you are putting into your preventing the establishment of that pregnancy. Meaning that every month you could ovulate, have sex, have your egg fertilized and then have it die because your uterus walls are thin and unable to support life. And you will never know, because you will have your normal period when you switch to placebo’s at the end of the month...Does losing a pregnancy you didn’t know about mean that you didn’t use an abortifacient? Mean that your body is doing what it is supposed to do when you are on birth control? Mean that God didn’t want you to have that child?

When you use a birth control pill or IUD you are not allowing certain parts of your body to function. If you elect to have an abortion you are killing a child, so if you are using birth control to rid the body of the fertilized egg, which has already started growing and thus is alive (IMHO) are you not also killing a child?

When discussing this with a dear friend, she said that it had to do with intent, and that you are taking the birth control with the intent of not having children and not getting pregnant - not the intent of killing the child or fertilized egg. But if I am using a gun shooting targets and someone accidently gets killed, it is still murder even if that wasn’t the intent of my using the gun, my intent was target practice; but the result is the same. I am sure that there are accidental shootings and accidental killings, but if you are taking a drug into your body that states that its purpose is to keep a fertilized egg from attaching itself, then isn’t your intent the same as a woman going in for an abortion?

Ok, that was harsh I know, but if you step back and think about it and look at that is what is happening...

Moving on to fertility treatments....

Side Notes:
Birth control, sometimes synonymous with contraception, is a regimen of one or more actions, devices, or medications followed in order to deliberately prevent or reduce the likelihood of pregnancy or childbirth. Contraception may refer specifically to mechanisms which are intended to reduce the likelihood of the fertilization of an ovum by a spermatozoon. Birth control is commonly used as part of family planning.

IUD, An intra-uterine device (intra meaning within, and uterine meaning of the uterus) is a birth control device also known as an IUD or a coil (this colloquialism is based on the coil-shaped design of early IUDs). It is a device placed in the uterus and is the world's most widely used method of reversible birth control,[1] currently used by nearly 160 million women (just over two-thirds of whom are in China where it is the most widely used birth control method, surpassing sterilization).[2] The device has to be fitted inside or removed from the uterus by a doctor or qualified medical practitioner. It remains in place the entire time pregnancy is not desired. Depending on the type, a single IUD is approved for 5 to 10 years use (the copper T 380A is effective for at least 12 years).[3]

Side Note 3:
During the follicular phase the lining of the uterus thickens, stimulated by gradually increasing amounts of estrogen. Follicles in the ovary begin developing under the influence of a complex interplay of hormones, and after several days one or occasionally two follicles become dominant (non-dominant follicles atrophy and die). The dominant follicle releases an ovum or egg in an event called ovulation. (An egg that is fertilized by a spermatozoon will become a zygote, taking one to two weeks to travel down the fallopian tubes to the uterus. If the egg is not fertilized within about a day of ovulation, it will die and be absorbed by the woman's body.[2]) After ovulation the remains of the dominant follicle in the ovary become a corpus luteum; this body has a primary function of producing large amounts of progesterone. Under the influence of progesterone, the endometrium (uterine lining) changes to prepare for potential implantation of an embryo to establish a pregnancy. If implantation does not occur within approximately two weeks, the corpus luteum will die, causing sharp drops in levels of both progesterone and estrogen. These hormone drops cause the uterus to shed its lining in a process termed menstruation. - From Wikipedia Menstrual Cycle

intent |inˈtent|
intention or purpose : with alarm she realized his intent | a real intent to cut back on social programs.
1 [ predic. ] ( intent on/upon) resolved or determined to do (something) : the administration was intent on achieving greater efficiency.
• attentively occupied with : Jill was intent on her gardening magazine.
2 (esp. of a look) showing earnest and eager attention : a curiously intent look on her face.Sphere: Related Content

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