Thursday, May 8, 2008

What happens when you realize everything you have been doing is wrong??

Well not to say that EVERYTHING is wrong but perhaps a lot. I don’t know if it was the way that I was raised or the things that I was or wasn’t taught in school or did or didn’t read in books.
I have a two and a half year old who was born at 33 weeks via emergency c-section due to pre-clampsia and placenta abruption. She was vaccinated and had most of her shots up until she was 14 months - she hasn’t had any shots since then and she won’t and neither will any of my other kids as I have them. I will expound on my thoughts on this in another posting.
I have been using disposable diapers with her, but will be cloth diapering the rest of the kids that I have will have.
I will be home schooling my kids, and raising them with the values that were traditionally taught to children and families back when the family unit was a wonderful happy unit that enjoyed being together, sitting around the dinner table talking about the day and playing games, reading the bible and learning the teachings of God and how we are supposed to live.
I plan to teach my children to think for themselves and ask questions, trust the instinct that God has given them, teach them to live free, not to get into debt and to allow God to lead them through out their lives.
I am very excited to see how God leads our lives and where he takes us.Sphere: Related Content

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