Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bob Barr in 2008?

At this point most people have had enough with McCain and Obama, I know that I have, I can't stand the choices this year and instead of just voting McCain because he's better than Obama (barely) I am planning to "throw away my vote" as many in the mainstream parties call it and vote for the guy who actually makes sense, lines up with the consititution and has an actual vision for america that comes with an action unlike Obama who is just fluff or McCain who is so "in the center" he is more Democrat than Republican at this point.

I have looked at all the Candidates webpages, and honestly when you break it down Barr is the winner. He doesn't have a huge stance on Abortion (although he is Pro-life) and thinks that Gay Marriage should be left up to the states to decide. Now as a Christian I know that these are two MAJOR sticking points for many Christians BUT when you look at the big picture, the way, Oil prices, the Economy - do you really want to choose one of the two Candidates that are fully supporting the Cap & Trade Bill that will add TRILLIONS in debt to our country? Raise Energy Prices? And basically create a bill that will not promote job growth in the US at all. Never mind the rest of their views on the "issues".

When you look at the numbers 48% of American Voters aren't happy with the Candidate Choices (Obama or McCain)

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