And, I woke up.
Just as delivered a petition with over HALF A MILLION signatures on it for them to open up areas in the US on OUR soil for drilling and recovering OIL for OUR use to make gas CHEAPER and make the United States ENERGY INDEPENDENT they decide on the very same day that -
'Ya, know, we don't need any oil, we don't need to drill on our own land, using our own resources when we can easily get it from countries that want us destroyed. Let's just ask OPEC to lower prices, they have always been so accomidating to our needs. Oh, and while we ask them to lower prices, we can just ask them to drill more oil for us. - That should work.
According to American Solutions’ new research data, 81% of the American people support the U.S. using more of its own domestic energy resources, including the oil and coal already here, to combat the rising cost of energy and reduce dependence on foreign energy sources. This belief is so widespread it is supported by a majority of Democrats, Republicans, and independents.
WOW - only 81%, well those 81% must be mistaken! WE are the Government, WE are the Congressmen/Senators that YOU elected - so we MUST be smarter that you, We will tell you what you need, or think you need. You just leave the thinking to us, we will take care of you.
Chairman Dicks Statement
Subcommittee Markup
FY 2009 Interior and the Environment Appropriations Bill
"With respect to legislative language, the bill largely maintains language carried in previous years by the House. With respect to the issue of energy development on the Outer Continental Shelf, which will be discussed by Mr. Peterson in a few minutes, the bil1 before the Members today carries the exact same provisions as in current law. This is exactly the same language requested by the president. I don't agree with this President on many things but I agree with him that opening up more of the Outer Continental Shelf to drilling is unnecessary. Proponents of opening additional lands to oil and gas leasing assert that vast quantities of oil and gas are closed to energy development. In fact, MMS estimates that 82 percent of the known OCS reserves of natural gas and 79 percent of the known
OCS reserves of oil are in areas already fully open for drilling. "The situation on-shore is similar. Onshore, 72% of oil and 84% of natural gas resources are either fully accessible now, or will be accessible pending the completion of land-use planning and
environmental reviews. Between 1999 and 2007, drilling permits for oil and gas development on public lands increased more than 361%. "The bill before the Members also carries language which was offered by Mr Hinchey last year and which passed the House dealing with faulty oil and gas leases. These faulty leases, which were issued through an administrative error in the last 1990's, create potential losses for the U.S. taxpayers of approximately $9 billion. Mr. Hinchey's language attempts to ensure that the oil companies, which are experiencing record profits, renegotiate the leases in a fair manner. Beyond these two provisions, I am not aware of controversy with respect to legislative language.
All I have to say is they don't care.
It doesn't effect them.
I will expound on the subject in the very near future, I am doing some research!Sphere: Related Content
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