I will try to make this as organized as I can, and hope that it flows, I apologize in advance for the tirade.
Yesterday I mentioned that a Subcommittee decided that drilling and opening additional lands to oil and gas leasing was unnecessary. They decided that shortly after deciding that the National Mall (America’s Front Lawn) did however, deserve $175 MILLION DOLLAR overhaul. They want to make it pretty. Really, how much does a lawn mower and some flowers cost? How do they plan to run that lawn mower with NO GAS? Just a thought. Or the 7.8 BILLION dollars for the EPA, $689 MILLION over the budget requested...Oh ok, that’s how it works. I tell you what I need. and you multiply that by $689 Million. No, I have to write those number out, because looking at $175 and $7.8, and $689 heck it looks like hundreds of dollars not billions.
$175,000,000 for America’s Front Lawn
$7,800,000,000 for the EPA
$689,000,000 Above what was requested
I could go on and on, reading those numbers, while talking to my huband about how we are going to make the $94.00 left from this weeks paycheck, after tithe, gas and the little bit of rent we pay had been taken out. And they are spending $175,000,000 on a lawn! No wonder they could care less about the rising gas prices.
I could go into waste full goverment spending, maybe they need to take a budgeting course....But this is not todays topic. Here is the link to that lovely document: Chairman Dicks Statement.
I will say that another joyous statement reads as follows:
"I believe the Interior & Environment Subcommittee has been a model of bi-partisanship. While not suggesting hat Mr. Tiahrt supports every single recommendation, I believe it is fair to characterize this bill, as well as the process through which it was developed, as fully bi-partisan.”
That is a direct quote, the second paragragh of the document. Fully bi-partisan. Now, I could be wrong, but I think that means that both sides readily agree on the whole thing. Both sides being the Democrats and the Republicans. But then I look at the way the vote went:
Voted for these changes:
Norman D Dicks (D-WA)
James P Moran (D-VA)
Maurice B Hinchey (D-NY)
John W Olver (D-MA)
Alan B Mollohan (D-WV)
Tom Udall (D-NM)
Ben Chandler (D-KY)
Ed Pastor (D-AZ)
Dave Obey (D-WI)
Voted Against these Changes:
Todd Tiahrt (R-KS)
John E Peterson (R-PA)
Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO)
Virgil H Goode Jr (R-VA)
Ken Calvert (R-CA)
Jerry Lewis (R-CA)
And, ya know just for fun, you can click their names and see thier goverment homepages, and contact them and tell them what a wonderful job they are doing...
OK, back on topic...
“By the way, the Government estimates that the outer continental shelf, the one they said no to yesterday, has 76 billion barrels of oil in it that are recoverable and that's with today's technology. Let me put that into perspective. 76 billion barrels is enough to replace every single barrel of oil that we import from everywhere outside of North America for the next 34 years at our current pace. That's in the one place, one, that congress said we couldn't go into yesterday.” Glenn Beck:So Why is Gas So Expensive? June 12, 2008
(Just so you don't think that I am one-sided, I looked for a clip of McCain and couldn't find one, if you have on, email me)
Obama has decided that the price of gas isn't the problem. $4 a gallon isn't the problem. It just happened to quickly for us lowly middle americans to handle, we should of given them a warning he says, help them out....Oh don't get me started. Well he is giving us warning, as he supports the Cap and Trade bill, so here's your warning, go ahead and add a minimum of $1.50 a gallon to the $4.00 you are already paying!
We have been warned. Oh and don't run out and get your McCain bumper sticker yet, He supports the bill too.
Ok, moving on.
I came across an article on Comcast.net Today's High Oil Prices Could Be here To Stay and shocker of all shocks, the price of oil is high around the world, and *gasp* more and more people are using oil, causing the need to go up.
"Whatever cuts are made today by the major players of 30 years ago are all going to be eaten up by nations that weren't even on the radar screen then," said Global Insight analyst Mary Novak. "There is no more supply. There is only demand."
So, Barak Obama's energy plan is to reduce use. "Obama's plan will reduce oil consumption by at least 35 percent, or 10 million barrels per day, by 2030. This will more than offset the equivalent of the oil we would import from OPEC nations in 2030." I went to John McCain's site in hopes of finding his energy plan was different. It wasn't. Also, supporting Cap and Trade, he says nothing about oil otherwise. Bob Barr is a more in line with what the American is saying "Congress “must stop preventing Americans from developing their own energy resources,” says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party candidate for president. Oil and gasoline prices continue to rise, yet the Senate has been debating legislation to hike energy prices even further." OMG there is a Candidate who gets it.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy has urged his EU partners to suspend part of the value-added taxes, but his proposals have found few takers in other European capitals. Nor has Italy been successful with its proposal for a "Robin Hood" tax on oil profits.From the same article. Ok, so Italy has tried the whole, tax the Big Bad Oil Companies on their profits... It's like I just heard this plan from someone....
"I'll make oil companies like Exxon pay a tax on their windfall profits, and we'll use the money to help families pay for their skyrocketing energy costs and other bills," the Illinois senator said.While Obama wants to tax them, McCain says: “I’m very angry at the oil companies, not only because of the obscene profits they make, but for the failure to invest in alternative forms of energy,” McCain said. “It’s an abrogation of their responsibility as citizens.”
Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil producer and the most influential member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, believes the sustained high prices will eventually slacken the world's appetite for oil.
OPEC has been reluctant to increase production, arguing that prices are being set by speculators, not oil availability.
Ya, think high prices will lessen our appetite for oil?
I have more but I will put it in another post...Sphere: Related Content
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