"The president believes Congress shouldn't waste any more time," White House press secretary Dana Perino told The Associated Press on Tuesday.
"He will explicitly call on Congress to ... pass legislation lifting the congressional ban on safe, environmentally friendly offshore oil drilling," Perino said. "He wants to work with states to determine where offshore drilling should occur."
Now, if Bush really wanted Congress to push through offshore drilling, shouldn't he of told them not to? He is up against a Congress that has done NOTHING, they only thing they have done, is the opposite of what the President didn't want them to do.
They are acting like a 2 year old, doing the opposite of whatever you ask of them. Essentially they are sitting in the corner holding their breath till their faces turn blue.
Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic candidate for president, opposes lifting the ban on offshore drilling and says that allowing exploration now wouldn't affect gasoline prices for at least five years.
Well, I wouldn't take what he has to say for more than a grain of salt. Wow no effect in 5 years, well in 5 years if we keep on the path that we are on, you are looking at gas prices over $10 a gallon...I am sure that we will happily accept any price changes at that point. Are high gas prices going to disappear in the next 5 years? Probably not.
Bush has been considering lifting the executive ban as a symbolic move to get Congress to take action, but he decided against doing so for the time being, said an official who spoke on condition of anonymity because internal deliberations were involved.
If Bush would of done this, I am sure that his approval numbers would of skyrocketed faster than the price of crude oil in the past week, but heaven forbid he does something positive in the last few months of his presidentcy.
Senator Harry Reid, the Democratic leader, responded by calling the vice president “Oil Man Cheney,” saying: “So all that Cheney can talk about, the Oil Man Cheney can talk about, is drilling, drilling drilling. But there is not enough oil in America to make that the salvation to our problems.” After hearing of Mr. Bush’s proposal on Tuesday night, Mr. Reid affirmed his opposition, saying, “The Energy Information Administration says that even if we open the coasts to oil drilling that won’t have a significant impact on prices.”
Well why don't we open it up and just see what happens?Sphere: Related Content
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