Monday, June 16, 2008

Screw Global Warming, I am worried about WARMING my house!

Someone can correct me if I am wrong, but is AMERICA the ONLY country in the world that cares about GLOBAL WARMING? If France is 80% Nuclear, and Germany is building Coal Power plants, as is China...And here we are in the USA crying over melting ice and polar bears, while our gas and energy costs are SKY ROCKETING.

If we were to push through drilling, and shale and coal don't you think that oil prices would drop over night?
Even though some of these products take 12 months to 10 years to get active - and I am sure that it could be faster if Washington pulled it head out of the sand and pushed in through.

Washington need to take High School Economics and learn about supply and demand because what they are doing now is just plain stupid. And the opposite of productive.Sphere: Related Content

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